Publications and Communications

Ilísio Viana, Jean-José Orteu, Nicolas Cornille, and Florian Bugarin. Inspection of aeronautical mechanical parts with a pan-tilt-zoom camera : an approach guided by the computer-aided design model.
Journal of Electronic Imaging, 24(6)061118, 2015.

Igor Jovancevic, Ilísio Viana, Jean-José Orteu, Thierry Sentenac, and Stanislas Larnier. MatchingCAD model and image features for robot navigation and inspection of an aircraft.
Fifth International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, Rome, Italy, 24-26 February 2016.

Ilísio Viana, Florian Bugarin, Nicolas Cornille, and Jean-José Orteu. CAD-guided inspection of aeronautical mechanical parts using monocular vision.
12fth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision, France, Proceedings of SPIE, 95340I, 30 April 2015.

Ilísio Viana, Rémi Parlouar, Jean-José Orteu, and Ludovic Brèthes. Fast Automated Inspection of Mechanical Assembly using a combined 2D/3D vision approach.
IUTAM Symposium on Advances of Optical Methods in Experimental Mechanics, Taipei (Taiwan), 3-6, November 2012.

Ilísio Viana, Florian Bugarin, Nicolas Cornille, and Jean-José Orteu. Application of bipartite graph to the matching of geometric primtives in vision based inspection.
International Summer School on VISion Understanding and Machine intelligence (VISUM), Porto-Portugal, 2 - 7 July 2015. (Poster).

Ilísio Viana, Florian Bugarin Parlouar, and Jean-José Orteu. Inspection d’ assemblages mécaniques aéronautiques par vision artificielle.
Annual Conference of French Doctoral School, Systems (EDSYS), April 2014.

Ilísio Viana, Rémi Parlouar, Florian Bugarin, Jean-José Orteu, and Ludovic Brèthes. Inspection automatisée d’assemblages mécaniques : vers une approche couplée vision 2D/vision 3D.
http ://, June 2013.